Have a great day everybody!

The Gift of Health

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah.

Thank you Allah for everything,

for my legs and feet,

for my arms, hands and fingers,

for my amazing sense of taste,

for my wonderful sense of smell,

for my precious sense of touch,

for my eyes that enable me to see,

for my hearing,

for my brain and my beautiful mind,

for my organ that working perfectly,

for my strong and healthy heart.

O Allah, thank you for the gift of health.

Disebalik setiap keperitan itu, InsyaAllah ada manisnya.
Yakin pada Allah, jangan pernah berputus asa.
Jangan pernah berhenti berharap padaNya,
Hanya Dia tempat bergantung harap.


1 Jun 2012 / 11 Rejab 1433H

It's Jumuah. May Allah bless us.

"Whatever situation you are in, don't forget to smile".  It's sadaqah, and a very great help to cheer you up : )

Semalam, seorang rakan kongsikan artikel mengenai Akta Keterangan (Pindaan) 2012 berkuatkuasa 1 Jun 2012. Maka, hari ini lah harinya.
Beware my friends on all your activities online.

 ** Exam : Another three papers.

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